Mycosis, or fungus, is an unpleasant disease caused by parasitic microorganisms - fungi. It is fairly common and can occur in both adults and children. The fungus can appear on different parts of the body, but most commonly affects the skin of the feet and hands and nails. It causes physical discomfort and the affected areas look extremely unattractive.
The fungus is not a "harmless" disease. Its waste products are toxic, can weaken the immune system and even cause allergies. Therefore, it needs timely treatment, which should be prescribed by a doctor. Many are concerned about questions about how to get rid of the fungusgetting rid of the legs what treatment can be used to treat the problem at home.
Why does the mushroom appear
The appearance and development of a skin fungus is associated with the presence in the skin of pathogens that multiply very quickly. The fungus is most commonly located between the fingers and can also affect the heels, feet, palms and nails. There can be several reasons why it appears. The fungus loves a moist and warm environment. Increased sweating of the legs creates all the conditions for an infection to "settle" in the skin.
Visiting public places such as a swimming pool, sauna, gym, locker rooms and communal shower is the main way to contract mycosis. At the same time, direct contact with a person or with other people's things is not even necessary: the spores of the fungus are fleeting and airborne. The fungus also occurs due to the lack of proper personal care and personal hygiene.
Poor quality shoes that do not allow the skin of the feet to breathe can also be one of the factors in the occurrence of the disease. The disease can also occur in people whose work involves constant contact with yeast (confectioners, cooks, winemakers). Also, the fungus can appear against the background of weakened immunity due to chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis).

The fungus starts on the skin of the feet between the toes. There are symptoms such as itching, reddening of the skin, peeling. Then cracks form, the skin thickens, scales appear. There may also be blisters of fluid on the skin that rupture and heal poorly. Without treatment, the infection multiplies rapidly and can spread to the nails and hands. The skin of hands affected by the fungus becomes very dry and covered with scales.
Skin can change color, crack, and peel between fingers. In general, the symptoms of fungus on the hands and feet are the same. Symptoms indicating the appearance of a fungus on the nails: the infection begins to affect the nail from the edge, and then reaches the base. The nail plate becomes cloudy, thickens, the nail changes shape, deforms. There are also symptoms such as the appearance of streaks on the nail and a change in its color: from white, yellow to brown or even black.
Fungus is a problem that the body begins to struggle with. Because of this, allergic symptoms in the form of blisters and erosions on the skin are possible.
Causes of fungi in children
Fungus on the feet and hands is a fairly common problem in children. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that children's immune systems are not yet sufficiently developed and can therefore be exposed to various influences, including a fungal infection. In addition, the predisposition of children to various fungal diseases is also determined by the properties of their skin: low bactericidal activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, increased ability to absorb water.
When learning the world, the child is in close contact with the environment, in which pathogens of fungal diseases are widespread (for example, the disease can manifest itself after contact with a sick animal or soil). In addition, the child comes into contact with a large number of other children in kindergarten or at school who can also be carriers of the skin disease.
Infection in children can occur both through direct contact and after using household items that contain fungal spores: toys, towels, someone else's shoes. It is enough to walk barefoot or try on someone else's thing - and the disease can already manifest itself. The symptoms of the disease do not differ from those in adults.
Factors provoking the occurrence of fungal diseases in children are beriberi, poor ecology, lack of culture of personal hygiene. Parents need to listen to the child's complaints and periodically examine the skin. It is imperative to treat the fungus, because it is this disease that can cause allergies in children and weaken the immune system.
Preventive and preventive measures will prevent your child from getting sick. Therefore, you need to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. The doctor can diagnose and prescribe the right treatment.
fungal treatment
If you notice signs or symptoms of the appearance of a fungus on the legs or arms in yourself or your children, you need to urgently contact a specialist. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and determine the methods of removing the fungus on the feet and hands. Proper diagnosis is essential as the external symptoms of infection can overlap with those of other diseases (e. g. psoriasis).
Depending on the causative agent of the disease, neglect of the disease and the state of health of the patient himself, the doctor prescribes local, systemic (taking pills) or mixed treatment. Topical application involves the use of a special ointment, varnish or spray. If the patient has no contraindications, the doctor prescribes a number of antifungal drugs that will help destroy the fungus "from the inside". Of course, when the treatment of the problem is carried out in all directions, it is best to use combination therapy.
In some cases of a fungal infection, a doctor may recommend removing the nail. However, simply removing the nail does not solve the problem, since the fungus is still present in the body and manifests itself over time. This procedure makes treatment more effective because antifungal drugs can penetrate the lesion more easily. Today, this procedure is painless and does not require surgery.
There are special products that stick to the nail and "dissolve" it within 3-4 days. Treatment of fungus on the legs and arms is quite difficult. The treatment itself can last up to 1 year. In addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor mustalso the treatment of the fungus at home can be done on the basis of some recommendations.
- Complete disinfection of the living space. Do a general cleaning of the place where you live. Pay special attention to the bathroom. Wash the tub as well as the floor and walls with a cleaner. Rinse the container with hot water after each wash. The carpet on the bathroom floor should be made of rubber so that fungus cannot settle in it.
- It is necessary to wash the feet with household or tar soap. These types of soaps have antifungal and disinfectant properties. In addition, they help to slightly dry the wounds that may appear as a result of the fungus.
- After water treatments, dry your feet with a hair dryer or dry them thoroughly with a paper towel, as the fungus can remain on the usual.
- Don't walk around the house barefoot or put your feet on upholstered furniture.
- Throw away your old slippers. Walk around the house either in socks made of natural materials or in open-toed rubber slippers.
- Treat the rest of the shoes with apple cider vinegar or formalin.
- Items from the manicure kit must be individual and cannot be used by a family member. Wipe the scissors and nail files with alcohol after each use.
- Sleep in cotton socks, which should be changed daily.
- Linen should be changed at least once a week.
- Socks, stockings or tights - change them every day. They should be washed in hot water. Socks can be ironed well with an iron after washing.
Of course, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later. Therefore, prevention is necessary to protect oneself from the disease as much as possible. Use only your personal belongings (towel, washcloth) when visiting swimming pools, saunas and other public places. Never go barefoot. Even if you shower in a public place, don't take off your slippers. They should be made of rubber and not sponge material.
After visiting the pool, you need to wash and dry the slippers well with detergent at home. For everyday wear, choose quality shoes made of natural and breathable materials. Wearing shoes that are not breathable makes your feet sweat, which creates a favorable environment for the development of a fungal disease.
Prevention of fungal infections includes careful self-care, regular water treatments, timely change of underwear and bedding.
Get rid of fungus at home
Among other things, you can use traditional medicine at home. This, combined with the treatment prescribed by your doctor, will help get rid of the fungus quickly.
- Apple cider vinegar is a remedy that has disinfectant and antifungal properties. Put vinegar on a cotton swab and apply it to the affected areas. If there are open sores and sores on the skin, then you should not make such lotions. In this case, do a foot bath with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar.
- Foot baths can also be done with sea salt. For this you need 3 tbsp. l. Salt per liter of warm water. It is better to use salt that does not contain dyes and flavors. Soak your feet in this solution for 10-15 minutes. It can be applied as a compress to the affected areas.
- Traditional healers know how to remove the fungus on the legs and arms at home with the help of an ordinary onion. Grate the onion and squeeze the juice. Dampen a cotton ball with juice and apply to affected areas. Do not rinse, but leave until the juice has dried. The procedure must be carried out daily.
- Clay is another way to fight fungus. Take apothecary clay (available in powder form) and dilute with cold water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the product to the affected areas until it dries completely. Then rinse with water.
- Celandine juice is a universal remedy for home treatment of many skin diseases. If you break a sprig of celandine, it turns into orange juice. With this juice it is necessary to lubricate the places affected by the fungus. The procedure must be carried out twice a day.
- The pharmacy sells another effective remedy - birch tar. Apply to sore spots after showering and leave on with clean socks. The procedure is best done at night.
- You can also get rid of the fungus with the help of ordinary soda. Take a small amount of soda ash and dilute it with water to a slurry state. It is necessary to make one application from this slurry daily and keep it for 15 minutes.
- Among the recommendations on how to cure athlete's foot at home are tips with ammonia. 1. l. Dilute ammonia in a glass of water. Dampen a handkerchief with the solution and wrap the affected limb with it. Place the bag on top and secure with a sock. The procedure is best done at night.
Prevention can protect you from a fungal infection. If you should nevertheless notice alarming symptoms in yourself or your children, contact your doctor immediately. Only a doctor knows how to get rid of the fungus in the shortest possible time and without harm to the body, he can make the correct diagnosis.
Don't treat yourself. Self-treatment at home can not only harm, but also make the problem worse. Traditional medicine can be effective, but only if treatment with alternative methods is allowed and approved by the doctor.